God's New Bible

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 2

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
Jesus in the Vicinity of Caesara Philippi (Matthew 16)

- Chapter 183 -

Cyrenius' visit announced.

On arrival down below moments later, lunch had already been prepared, and we set down at the large table in the open, erected in the thick shade of a chestnut-tree. Well-prepared fish, bread, wine and good fresh figs were served up in ample measure, so that all of us numbering some thirty, had more than enough to eat. The meal was taken in with much cheer, and Marcus, the talkative old upright warrior, told us sundry of his experiences, in his inborn, wily manner. This gave My disciples a chance to see the world revealed before them, and to pick out some aspects for mankind that would be later entrusted to their guidance.
Following this table session, lasting over two hours, a messenger came to Marcus with the news that the old Chief Governor Cyrenius had arrived in Caesarea Philippi around mid-day; would he therefore, as a renown warrior come over and acquaint him with his circumstances, whereupon the Chief Governor would do whatever he could for him.
Says Marcus to the messenger: "Would you say unto my old companion in arms: "I lie down at his feet with many thanks for his gracious remembrance of my poor state! But that this time I am unable to avail myself of his graciousness, it requires my going to the city, as I am having guests, whose Chief, Lord and Master has most splendidly pulled me out of my former poverty. This Lord and Master promised to tarry with me for six full days, wherefore I would count it as a great sin to leave him for even a moment. If however my old companion in arms should not regard it below his exalted imperial dignity to make an excursion out here, then everything for his most stately reception shall be undertaken here.
Says the messenger: "Right so, I shall pass on your words to the exalted master exactly as spoken!"-with that the messenger takes his leave, mounting his mule and departing in haste.
When the messenger was well out of sight, Marcus said: "I don't suppose the exalted Governor will take such reply too adversely!"
Say I: "Don't let that trouble you! I say unto you: so soon as he hears that it is obviously I that am to be found here, he shall not take ten seconds to decide to come over, and you shall then have a chance to gain a glimpse of God's glory! For be assured that Cyrenius has known Me all his life!"
Says Marcus: "That will be so, but he is too highly placed in the world and has for that reason, on account of foolish mankind to avoid things which normally he would certainly do; whence I doubt that he would be able to do the graciousness of the visit."
Say I: "Before you can get up to the familiar spot and back tree times he shall be here! The messenger shall have hardly delivered your response when Cyrenius who has not taken his meal yet, shall unhesitatingly leave everything standing and hasten here with his entire entourage to see and speak to Me.
Tell your wife and children nonetheless to prepare another meal for him and his people, as he and his people shall not have a meal in the city, and they shall find such highly desired and welcome!"
Marcus summons his wife and six children from the hut and directs to at once to prepare a meal for the arriving Chief Governor Cyrenius, and for about thirty persons in all!"
The wife gives him a puzzled look, thinking he could be joking. But Marcus nevertheless motions her into the kitchen, and the wife gets down to work.
Simultaneously Marcus tell his sons to watch over the hill and to let him know at once if seeing an illustrious company leaving the city. The two sons hurried over the bend to the spot from where one could easily see Caesarea Philippi, and noted the illustrious company already at the end of the wide road, stepping unto the narrow footpath along which one could reach our Marcus' dwelling in a short quarter hour.
On seeing this, the two sons rushed back almost out of breath, telling what they saw.
Marcus asks Me, saying: "Lord and Master, here we shall have to go and meet them in true Roman subservience!?"
Say I: "Not at all! He whom his salvation urges on to Me, such will come even if we don't go to meet him! Cyrenius however is one strong in spirit and does not need to be met; only where one, weak of soul and body has hit upon the road to us, do we need to go and meet him, so that he would not tire half way along, remaining lying down and be finished!"
