God's New Bible

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 2

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
First journey of the Lord: Kis - landing place at Sibarah - Nazareth

- Chapter 56 -

Roban and Kisjonah relate their experiences.

Just before sunset, Roban, in company with Kisjonah of Kis, arrives at My house, greeting all he encounters already from afar, and Kisjonah too rushes over to Me with open arms, greeting above all Myself in a truly most amicable fashion with tears in his eyes and then after a while greets his daughter who had already held his hand for quite some time, covering it with kisses; whereupon he also greets his son-in-law, Cornelius, and on finding out that the illustrious Roman sitting at My side is the Chief Governor Cyrenius, he begs the latter's apology for having overlooked him.
But stirred, Cyrenius seizes Kisjonah's hand, pressing it to his chest and saying aloud: "Not yourself, but I beg your apology for not greeting you earlier but let my not personally knowing you serve as an excuse. Because next to Jesus to Whom of course be all praise and honour, I also owe you, faithful and honest man, inexhaustible thanks. Because of all the people of the region you are sure to have played the major part in getting me out of an embarrassment which would have probably cost me my life! This is indeed a great pleasure, my most worthy friend to get to know you personally."
Therewith Kisjonah once again is very happy, relating much of what he had meanwhile met with, saying even that he had visited Sychar with honest old Roban and these spoke much with Jonael, Jairuth and a great deal with Archiel, now living and acting like an ordinary human, so that no stranger would dream that there is a purely spiritual being behind him.
Thus he had also visited the physician Joram and his wonderfully glorious house and his lovely and glorious wife, finding out exceedingly amazing things from both; and that Roban had been just ears and eyes everywhere being taken aback with astonishment, and whenever mightily gripped then constantly saying to himself: "Indeed, indeed, life and blood to the godly Master of Nazareth! For He cannot be man but must be God Himself, otherwise such things would not be possible to Him!"
Whilst Kisjonah continues thus, Roban steps over to Me saying: "Lord, I am Yours, and no power other than Your will can separate me from You."
Say I: "I foresaw it indeed that you would become one of Mine, but what you don't know yet is that all your brethren and colleagues now count as Mine, without ceasing to remain before the world what they were heretofore, - wherefore you too for the time being shall stay what you were, until the new school superintendent, who will be taking Jairus' place the day after tomorrow, will have his edges worn off a little.
Your brethren shall instruct you on how to act, speak and behave towards the new Chief, who at the start shall be sweeping with a bushy broom indeed; but in hardly a half year you shall be able to achieve anything with him for a little money, since he has no faith in the Temple but only in gold for the present; afterwards nevertheless he shall be capable of believing in something better. But go over to your brethren now and appraise them of all you have seen and heard."
Upon My words Roban takes leave of Kisjonah, thanking him for all the good he had done for him, finally saying: "There may not be too many Kisjonahs encountered upon earth. Wherefore you are the only one to have touched my heart and found it. May the Lord bless you for all the good you have done for me and a thousand others." - With these words he bows down deeply before us, rushing to his brethren who this day are still assembled at the Synagogue - without the sleeping ones, who were removed shortly after our departure. He received a surprisingly friendly reception, and with glad heart tell each other under astonishment over astonishment all that they met with, heard and saw.
We too are in good spirits, for Kisjonah did not come alone but with several loaded beasts of burden and their drovers, bringing wine, flour, cheese, bread, honey and a large quantity of choice smoked fish, so that the mother Mary could hardly find room to accommodate it.
Hence a neighbour was requested to store the excess in his larder with care, which he then also did although not too obligingly since he had always been a miserly fellow. But when Kisjonah offered and gave him a couple of gold pieces for his effort and helpfulness he was at once favourably inclined and exceedingly keen, on one occasion due to fading light heavily knocking into the disciple John whilst carrying bags. The latter said to him: "Friend, be more careful in your paid zeal or you shall do damage to yourself and others. Happy you would be if you were as zealous for the kingdom of God, which has come so near unto you, as you are for the two miserable pieces of gold, and you would not be knocking against anyone! Oh for the great blindness that does not want to recognise the supremely Highest!"
The neighbour did not let himself be distracted, carrying out his hired service and was not troubled by anything else.
Here John asked: "Lord, is it possible that a person can be so obtuse in body and soul?"
Say I: "Let him go! There are now many thousands like that in the land of the Jews that are more obtuse and stubborn than donkeys! Wherefore they also deserve only the reward of a donkey!"
This was followed by some derision that Philopold was able to heighten with fitting comments, substantiating how normally nothing was harder for man to see what sits on his nose. And all marvelled at his dialectic skill.
After this interlude we rose from the table and shortly took our rest.
