God's New Bible

The Pre­paration

How God Prepares Us

- Chapter 1430 -

Take Advantage of This Lent…!

Monday, February 19, 2024

Message from February 16, 2024

Oh, My child. Your sins weigh heavily. If only you knew how heavy they weigh, you would turn away from sin and this world, which is sinful and seductive and in the clutches of the devil and his Antichrist.

My child. My children. Your sins weigh heavily, so make reparation.

Use this time of Lent to prepare your souls.

I love you very much, but I will soon stand before you as righteous, and blessed is he who has washed himself clean from sin and put on his whitest robe, blessed is he who has stayed away from sin and prayed, sacrificed, atoned and made reparation!

Children, children, time is passing and your world is spoiling. More and more, beloved children that you are, more and more.

So many get involved with the devil, and don't realize it. Others challenge him, they are arrogant and overestimate themselves!

Children, children, be warned: Whoever pays homage to the devil will be lost! Whoever puts himself in the hands of him and his helpers will be lost!

The time is ripe, My return is near, and you are not ready, beloved children, for Me, for your Jesus, Savior of you, who I am.

Be ready, for the warning is coming!

Then at the latest you MUST get ready! You must convert and repent! If you do not, you will be lost and I, your Jesus, will not be able to save you!

Read Our Word in these messages and live by it! It is given for your salvation, so put it into practice!

The book of John is more relevant than ever! Don't you see it?

So don't wait until the dark time 'comes' (until you are in the midst of it), but be light(bearer) in your world already now!

Soon, very soon, you will see where you stand, but then you can only seek the light and will not find it because you are not made ready!

So get ready and be light bearers!

The dark time is beginning, and blessed is he who has heard and prepared himself! Blessed is he who remains steadfast and in faith! Blessed is he who is firmly anchored in Me, his Jesus!

Persevere, beloved children, and implore the Holy Spirit for clarity and guidance! Without Him, My Holy Spirit, you will truly have a hard time.

So put into practice what is written and do not wait until what is said comes to pass!

Much is happening, My children, but you do not recognize or see it.

So listen to My word, for it is holy. I, your Jesus, ask you to do so. Amen.

Your Jesus. Who I Am. Amen.