God's New Bible

The Natural Sun

Announcements about our sun and its natural conditions

- Chapter 36 -

The sun's fourth equatorial belt - corresponding to the planet Jupiter and its inhabitants

I will tell you in advance that the fourth equator in the northern and southern belts corresponds to the big planet Jupiter. You know that it is the biggest of the planets and some four thousand times the size of Earth. Hence the corresponding belts are also the biggest and most marvellous, second only to the central equator, which makes up the actual solar world and has correspondence with all the other equators.
What then is the size of the fourth equatorial, i.e. the northern and southern belts that correspond to the planet Jupiter? The two belts together measure some twenty thousand (German) miles, taken together in width, whilst their length on average would be two hundred thousand miles times two. These dimensions indicate that this fourth belt also must have many marvellous things to offer being of such a vast area.
This belt too is separated from the previous one by an exceedingly high Alpine belt. This is an exceptionally high mountain range made up mostly of the hardest white marble, which is not subject to melting even under the most intense heat. The highest peaks reaching into the loftiest solar photosphere actually have the appearance of a white-hot glow, but this is not the case. They only have this apparent shine to you because their highest point is incomprehensibly white, completely reflecting all rays from every direction.
The base of the high ranges, which form a continuous even wall is lashed by circular waters two thousand (German) miles in width. These waters nevertheless are not continuous but are dotted with large islands in many places and even have larger peninsulas and substantial promontories, which are inhabited by the people of this belt.
The land however is more fiat than mountainous whilst its mountains are of far less height than the mountains of the other belts already mentioned. They nevertheless extend far higher above the level of the solar sea than the Earth's highest mountains, without their steepness and inability to surmount. The actual land carries a large number of seas, streams, rivers, brooks and springs and is therewith exceedingly blessed and fruitful.
The animal kingdom is exceedingly numerous and the human population dense.
Now we know what the land itself is like, we shall in accordance with our adopted system turn to the inhabitants of this land. What do the people look like? What kind of constitution and what kind of religion do they have; how do they relate to things? We will first give an outline and then go to particulars.
Regarding the people, firstly they are of extraordinary size, physically extremely wellformed and by character the gentlest and best people upon the sun.
Regarding the constitution, firstly it is completely patriarchal and basically theocratical, caring for the common good materially.
Their religion also is very simple, without ceremonials. And the education of children also consists of nothing other than to become at one with the heavens and with the Lord.
Therewith, we have cited general human relationship points upon their belt and shall move to a more detailed examination.
Firstly concerning the size of man; who from the top of his head to his toes is not infrequently two hundred metres by your measure. What is his colour? A soft white, that is gently tapering off to blue-red, approximating the colour of the amethyst, but much paler. This bodily colour occasionally appears on Earth amongst the Caucasian mountain races of Asia, where especially delicate women have a similar colour, especially when blown upon by frequent glacial winds. This is also the colour of the fourth equatorial belt.
What kind of facial features do they have? Their faces are completely masculine, that is, not a grimace as is most frequent amongst Earthmen, but more rounded and gentle than Earth males. Their lips are expressive as also the corners of their mouth. A projecting chin but not with sharp lines, softly rounded and beardless throughout. The hair of his head is abundant and long and dark brown, like his eyebrows and lids with high forehead white towards the hairline. Ears and nose are well proportioned in relation to other facial features.
His neck is proportionately long and round, his shoulders very wide with well proportioned arms towards the shoulders; only the hand areas are about a fifth larger proportionately than yours. Fingernail colour is that of the body, pale towards the tips and very solid.
His trunk down to his hips is also well proportioned with a somewhat more prominent posterior than on Earth, with a consequently constant upright posture, especially when standing still rather than walking because man from early childhood leans heavily forward.
His feet are completely regular as also his private parts, with only the foot area proportionately bigger than yours.
How does the male dress? This as with women consists of nothing more than a frontal apron just to cover private parts; nothing else is covered. There nevertheless is no greater chastity to be found than with these equatorial inhabitants. So much for the male.
The female is smaller by a man's head and perfectly rounded in all parts. Her skin is many times finer than the male's, yet thicker than his. The man's skin for example would be on average about thirty centimetres thick by your measure, whilst that of the woman a good forty centimetres, yet much softer than the man's (and also much softer and more elastic than women on Earth), and finely porous throughout.
A woman's breast is completely round sitting upon the chest like two half spheres, which is considered to be of the greatest beauty there.
Her face too is most attractively and amicably beautiful, whilst the hair of her head reaches down to below the knee and is most abundant with a somewhat lighter colour than that of the man.
On the whole woman's shape here is hardly matched upon any planet, attracting much admiration from men for her physical beauty. For they say: if the woman is of the right heart and hence spirit, then her body must be of the right measure. If the body is not thus balanced, then there must be a reason why her body has not achieved perfection. Complete righteousness however means constant fullness of love in the heart for the Lord, this being the spiritual sustenance for eternal life. The spirit however is the work manager of the body; if it has suffered atrophy through a degree of unjustness of the heart, then its work also must manifest atrophy. It therefore leaves to be determined whether such unrighteousness can be related to the parents or the children; if related to the parents then the children are innocent, and we must therefore not reckon it unto them. If however the unjustness resides in their own heart, then it is our duty to help them fashion a new heart in order to, if possible, restore the righteousness of the body. Where no longer practicable however, it is our duty to at least set the heart right to where the spirit can henceforth obtain the desirable sustenance.
Behold, for this reason these equatorial inhabitants place much store on physical beauty, especially that of the woman, and to love same uncommonly if they are within the order. But an untidy woman receives little regard and if not entered upon proper order, she is soon handed over to an unpleasant schooling.
This is everything noteworthy about the human form upon this belt. Next time we shall examine their housekeeping. And so we shall leave it for today.
