God's New Bible

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 4

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
Jesus near Caesarea Philippi (cont.)

- Chapter 166 -

The marvelous morning.

Upon this really warmly felt and with all warmth spoken gratitude, Ouran went back to his place; and in this same moment the sun started to rise in a manner never seen before, and because of the brightness of the whole horizon nobody hardly dared to look at it. Thousands of little clouds waited in the brightest light, like shaking in deepest reverence for the marvellous day-mother.
After a few moments the great sun started to rise with the brightest light of a rainbow over the far away mountains. The diameter, however, seemed this time ten times bigger than otherwise; at the same time many present noticed great crowds of birds circling more or less high up in purest, light-coloured ways of the air, which also added a worthy side movement to the rising sun.
The wide mirror surface of the lake was covered by a light mist, which reflected the rainbow colours of the sun in the most marvellous manner. At the same time a great many large, white seagulls flew over the wide, brilliant white shining surface of the lake, and their wings shone as if they were diamonds and rubies.
At the same time a pleasant, fresh smelling, cool morning breeze was blowing, so that Cyrenius and many others with him exclaimed loudly: "No, never before has a mortal eye seen such a marvellous morning and no person's sense has ever felt such revitalising morning freshness!"
Also Jarah, who was quiet for the whole night and kept busy with seeing and listening, suddenly screamed of delight: "O, this is a morning, like the angels enjoy it in heaven! O, o, what beauty, what indescribable enchantment! This is a corresponding morning like the one which rose in the most exceeding abundance in our hearts during this night! Isn't it true, o Lord, You my only love, this is such a quite meaningful heavenly morning?"
Said I with a smile: "Quite so, My most dearest rose daughter, if everything in a person has become heavenly, also everything surrounding him will also become heavenly! The mornings become heavenly mornings, the days heavenly days, the evenings true heavenly evenings, and the night becomes a rest of heaven, but not dark anymore, but full of the most marvellous light for the pure soul united with its spirit in a person. Just enjoy to the fullest extend the strengthening marvellousness of this most fresh smelling morning!"
The girl cries tears of joy and rises from her seat to indulge with her whole body this fresh morning smell.
Just now also Marcus the innkeeper arrives. Since he arranged for the morning meal, he missed the rising of the sun. But since the sun shines in its fullest and brightest rainbow colours from the sky, he asks quite astonished, what special morning this was; because he was already quite an old man, has travelled Europe, Africa and Asia far and wide, but he never has seen the sun and the little morning clouds in such a light! I should tell him what this means.
Says I: "See, if the emperor from Rome would come here, all the subservient nations would arrange all kind of celebrations for him, partly because of joy to have the opportunity to see their emperor, but partly also to receive some mercy or forbearance, if he would be in a joyful mood. See, here in My person, there also sits an emperor and a sole ruler over all the heavens and worlds!
The inhabitants of the heavens, like our Raphael is one of them, know, what great revelations of life I have given to you this night, and that it is allowed to see Me among the people as Father face to face, teaching and visiting in this My person. The highest and most blessed joy which they feel right now, they are also expressing by the activity of the nature spirits of this earth.
However, not only on this earth, but on all worlds in the whole, infinite creation celebrations are held during this time, namely for the duration of seven hours. During this time in the whole creation no created creature will die and also not procreated. Once the seven hours have expired, the celebrations will end, and everything will proceed normally.
Now you know the reason of the marvellousness of this morning! But go now and arrange for us an especially good morning meal; since also we want to celebrate a special festival!"
Marcus hurries to fulfil My will; all present, however, join the joy of the heavens and praise Me, but Jarah the most.
After all present have praised Me for an hour long, Marcus arrives and invites us for the morning meal. But many want to stay for a while longer on the mountain.
But I say to them: "Down below at the tables in the open the same morning occurs like here on the mountain; on the short route below you will enjoy it, and below you will enjoy it twice as much! Our bodies need strengthening, therefore lets quickly go to the tables below!"
