God's New Bible

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 4

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching

Table of Contents

1 The true wisdom and the lively worship of God.

2 Fate of the places of Palestine.

3 The Lord with the nine drowning victims.

4 The Lord's instructions for raising the drowned from the dead.

5 Cornelius' doubts.

6 The Persians and the Pharisees arguing over the miracle. Judas Iscariot goes to catch goldfish.

7 The disloyal servant of Helena.

8 The outer rest and inner activity of the group.

9 The spies of Herod.

10 Zinka's apologia and his report on the death of John the Baptist.

11 Cyrenius' friendly answer to Zinka.

12 The capture of John the Baptist. Herod's relationship with Herodias.

13 The Templars' attempt on the life of John the Baptist.

14 Herod's order to arrest Jesus.

15 The enigmatic Roman authority of Herod.

16 The false authority of Herod.

17 The Templars' policy of state.

18 The teaching of the Galilaen prophet.

19 Zinka's opinion of the teaching of Jesus.

20 Zinka's amazement at the miracle of the table.

21 The nature of thirst for knowledge. On right singing.

22 Raphael as a singer.

23 Communication with God through the inner word in the heart.

24 The cultivation of the human heart.

25 Zinka's questions regarding Raphael and his search for the Lord.

26 Jesus raises the two drowning victims from the dead. Zinka recognizes the Lord.

27 The life history of the two girls.

28 Cyrenius recognizes his daughters. Risa and Zinka become the sons-in-law of Cyrenius.

29 Zinka's modesty.

30 Action and speech.

31 Hebram's and Risa's self-reflections.

32 An event from the time of Jesus' adolescence.

33 Cyrenius' pledge to work for the teaching of the Lord.

34 The law of "Must" and "Should"

35 The difference of the souls on earth.

36 Mental illnesses and their treatment.

37 On mental institutions and healers of the soul.

38 True justice.

39 The eternal fundamental law of brotherly love.

40 Somnambulism and its application.

41 Physical and mental cleanliness. Remote healing.

42 The Lord announces a practical example of somnambulism.

43 Citizen Zorel, whose property was burned, asks for compensation.

44 Zorel's concept of property.

45 Zorel has to hear the truth.

46 Zorel asks for permission to leave without hindrance.

47 The preparatory requirements for the somnambulant treatment.

48 Zorel's self-realization.

49 The soul of the somnambulist purifies itself.

50 The purified soul gets clad.

51 The ethereal body of the soul with its senses.

52 Zorel's soul on the path to renunciation.

53 Zorel in paradise.

54 The relationship between body, soul and mind.

55 Zorel's insight into the Creation.

56 The nature of man and his creative destiny.

57 Zorel's insight into the evolutionary processes of nature.

58 Judge not!

59 Zorel's materialistic faith.

60 Zorel's criticism of morality and education.

61 Materialistic errors.

62 On the justified protection of property.

63 Zorel's parentage and family relations.

64 Zorel's past as a slave trader.

65 Zorel's excuses.

66 Zorel's defilement of girls.

67 Cyrenius' indignation about Zorel's crimes.

68 Zorel's excuses.

69 Zorel as murderer of his mother.

70 Zorel's defense of his character traits.

71 Cyrenius' amazement about Zorel's astuteness.

72 John urges Zorel to adopt a better way of life.

73 Cognitive faculty and indulgent intention in the human being.

74 The nature of God and His incarnation.

75 Cyrenius looks after Zorel.

76 On the secret of the inner spiritual life.

77 Zorel's decision to improve.

78 The path to eternal life.

79 On poverty and brotherly love.

80 On carnal lust.

81 On right giving that is pleasing in the sight of God.

82 Humility and arrogance.

83 Education for humility.

84 Zorel's good intentions.

85 Zorel is entrusted to Cornelius.

86 Excessive and appropriate humility.

87 Cornelius and Zorel talk about miracles.

88 Different opinions on the nature of the Lord.

89 The luminous rock from the source of the Nile.

90 Soul and body.

91 The further development of poor souls in the world to come.

92 Guidance in the world to come.

93 The progress of the soul on earth and in the afterworld.

94 The development of the life of the soul.

95 The purpose of service.

96 Insight into the secrets of the Creation.

97 The right pursuit of brotherly love.

98 On monetary aid.

99 On right and wrong service.

100 The teaching of Moses and the teaching of the Lord.

101 The weed among the wheat.

102 Thoughts and their realization.

103 The development of matter.

104 Selfishness as the root of matter.

105 The emergence of the solar systems.

106 The significance and origin of the earth.

107 The origin of the moon.

108 On the hereditary evil of self-love.

109 Salvation, reincarnation and revelation.

110 Baptism. The Trinity in God and man.

111 On the Mosaic food laws.

112 A prediction about the present revelations.

113 The calling to the inner word.

114 A view into the world of nature spirits.

115 Jarah and the nature spirits.

116 The nature and activity of the nature spirits.

117 A tangle of soul substances.

118 The nature of oxygen.

119 Raphael presents how the organic beings were created.

120 Procreation in the animal and human being.

121 Reason for the revelations of the Lord.

122 The Lord reveals the inner being of Judas.

123 The rebuke of Judas.

124 On the upbringing of children.

125 The life of Judas Iscariot.

126 The consequences of wrong upbringing.

127 The fear of death.

128 The separation of the soul from the body at death.

129 The processes during the separation of the soul from the body.

130 Observations of the clairvoyant Mathael at the execution of the murderer robbers.

131 A Sadducee's criticism of Roman punishments.

132 The death of the crucified murderer robbers.

133 Composition of the souls of the murderer robbers.

134 Mathael comes to the dying father of Lazarus. The strange natural phenomenon on his way to Bethany.

135 The rabbi's attempt to resuscitate the dead body of old Lazarus.

136 The spirit of Lazarus bears witness to the Messiah.

137 The cowardly rabbi who broke his word.

138 The life story of old Lazarus.

139 The explanation for the spirit apparitions at the death of old Lazarus.

140 On foolish questions.

141 The wrath of God.

142 On the first human couple.

143 The Flood.

144 The causes of catastrophies.

145 The influence of evil on good.

146 The miraculous little medicinal plant. The nature of light and darkness, of good and evil.

147 The reasons for warmth and cold.

148 The deadly fall of the curious boy.

149 The spirit apparitions at the accident. The suicide of the Essenian who was cursed by the temple.

150 The souls of the two victims in the afterlife.

151 The Lord's explanation of the state of the victims' soul in the afterlife.

152 The different kinds of people who commit suicide and their states in the afterlife.

153 On the philosopher's stone.

154 The poisonous outer life sphere of the widow.

155 Snake venom as a remedy.

156 The spiritual processes at the death of the widow and her daughter.

157 The progression of the soul forms of the two deceased women.

158 The poison in minerals, plants, animals and human beings.

159 The poisonous nature of the two deceased women.

160 Cyrenius' concerns about the earthly system of soul development.

161 Cyrenius criticizes the Mosaic history of Creation.

162 The creation of Adam and Eve.

163 The fourfold meaning of the Mosaic history of Creation.

164 The key to understanding spiritual scriptures.

165 The true teachers of the gospel.

166 The marvelous morning.

167 On fasting and joy.

168 Simon's talk on rebukes out of self-love.

169 Simon criticises the Song of Solomon.

170 The key to understanding the Song of Solomon.

171 Simon explains some of the verses of the Song of Solomon.

172 Gaby admits his ignorance and vanity.

173 Gaby's former Pharisaic principles.

174 Simon's opinions about the Lord.

175 Simon's thoughts about the sexual nature of the Lord as a human being.

176 The individual becoming one with God. Simon's confession of his carnal weaknesses.

177 On the purpose and nature of sensuality.

178 On the nature of the angels. Heart and memory.

179 The people of Abyssinia and Nubia.

180 The Lord sends a messenger toward the Nubian caravan.

181 The Lord talks to the leader of the Nubians.

182 The leader recounts his journey to Memphis.

183 The curse of the excessive culture of the Egyptians.

184 The blessing of the primordial culture of the simple man.

185 The residence of the Nubians in Egypt.

186 The black man asks for assurance about the sojourn of the Lord.

187 The Nubians cognize the Lord.

188 On excessive humility.

189 Oubratouvishar describes his native country Nubia.

190 Oubratouvishar's treasure.

191 The black people who traveled behind.

192 On the nature of Isis and Osiris.

193 The big rock temple of Jabusimbil.

194 Oubratouvishar shows his people the personal God in Jesus.

195 The just doubts of the black people about the divinity of the Lord.

196 Oubratouvishar tries to convince his fellow countrymen of the divinity of Jesus.

197 The spiritual advantages and disadvantages of the moors.

198 The diversity of the climate and the races on earth.

199 On the slow and the fast comprehension of the teaching of the truth.

200 Raphael convinces the moors of the divinity of the Lord.

201 The moor and Oubratouvishar hand over their treasures to Cyrenius.

202 The origin of the Jabusimbil Temple, the Sphinx and the Columns of Memnon, depicted by the hieroglyphs of the first two pearls.

203 The secret of the third pearl: The seven giants and the sarcophagi.

204 Raphael explains the signs of the zodiac on the fourth pearl.

205 The division of time on the fifth pearl.

206 The secret of the sixth pearl: The depiction of the pyramids, obelisks and the Sphinx.

207 The signs of the zodiac of the seventh pearl. The decline of Egyptian culture. The history of the seven pearls.

208 The traditions of the Nubians and the traditions of the white people.

209 Cultivation of the mind and soul.

210 The purpose of the incarnation of the Lord. The moors as witnesses of the true, primordial man.

211 The mastery of the moors over the water.

212 The mastery of the moors over the animals.

213 The mastery of the moors over the plants and the elements.

214 The self-realization of the individual.

215 The outer life sphere of the human soul and the outer light sphere of the sun.

216 On the influence of the human character on domestic animals.

217 The advantages of proper cultivation of the soul.

218 The power of a perfect soul.

219 The effect of sunlight. The composition of the human eye. The soul's sight.

220 On reincarnation and the proper education of the human being.

221 On right understanding and mind reading.

222 The importance of the outer life sphere of the soul.

223 The power of the individual perfected in love.

224 On hungering for spiritual food.

225 The miraculous power of the reincarnated.

226 The relationship between soul and spirit.

227 Brain and soul.

228 The proper development of the brain.

229 Cyrenius asks for clarification of the teaching on the brain.

230 The consequences of unchastity.

231 The blessing of proper procreation.

232 The structure of the human brain.

233 The connection of the frontal lobe with the posterior brain lobe.

234 The connection between the sensory organs and the brain.

235 The unspoiled and the spoiled brain.

236 The character of the world-wise and his misfortune in the afterlife.

237 The effects of a spiritually dark brain.

238 The developmental difficulties of a worldly soul in the afterlife.

239 The influence of wrong education on the brain.

240 The brain of a world-wise person.

241 The question on the origin of sin.

242 Seemingly unjust guidance of the soul in this world and in the afterlife.

243 The nature of God. The necessary difficult trials of life on earth.

244 The self of the individual as the master of his own destiny.

245 The independent development of the human soul to becoming a child of God.

246 God's reasons for the independent perfection of a free human soul.

247 On being possessed. The slow spreading of the gospel.

248 On creating miracles at the right time.

249 The creation of signs in the spreading of the Lord's teaching.

250 Difficulties in the spreading of the pure teaching.

251 The sword as means of punishment in faithless peoples.

252 The "Father" and the "Son" in Jesus.

253 The apparitions at the baptism of the Lord. The eternal nature of the Lord.

254 The magnitude of Creation.

255 The incarnation of the Lord in our period of Creation and on our earth. The omnipresence of the spirit.

256 The outer life sphere of the soul and that of the spirit.

257 The omniscience of God.

258 The language of the animals.

259 Examples of the intelligence of animals.

260 The conversation of the Nubian versed in the animal language with Mark's donkey.

261 The expansion of the human outer life sphere.

262 The outer life light sphere of Moses and the patriarchs.

263 The reason for the explanations of the Lord.